Certification body for professional figures
The Politecnico di Milano has obtained accreditation from ACCREDIA in accordance with the UNI 11558 standard as well as UNI/PdR 19:2016 “Property Valuer - Knowledge, skills and competence requirements”. The Certified Body for the Certification of Property Valuers - OCCVI, was established within the DICA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in collaboration with the SQuA - Quality Assurance Service.

In order to cope with a situation of financial crisis, also due to the lack of competence among operators and a lack of transparency of property valuations, the European Directive 14/17/EU established the obligation, for property valuations for the purposes of mortgage loans, to adopt consistent property valuation standards carried out by professionally qualified experts.
The consensual Italian reference standard is UNI 11558 and the Directive was transposed in Legislative Decree no. 72 of 21 April 2016, which entered into force in June 2016.
The correct performance of property valuations, as ABI says, no longer represents a mere element of prudential supervision but, with the transposition of the European Directive on mortgage loans, becomes an essential element of civil law.
The OCCVI Certification Body therefore acts as a reference for certifying the skills of property valuers in accordance with the Directive as well as UNI 11558.
The specific requirements for property valuers include in-depth knowledge of the field of valuation, as well as the principles of economics and property markets, knowledge of public and private law, urban planning law, financial mathematics, elements of statistics, cadastre and cadastral system, and elements of science and construction techniques, including elements of the statics and mechanics of structures, elements of environmental certification and energy efficiency, property taxation.
A property valuer is certified taking into consideration the skills required of people with a proven and high level of qualification and, therefore, who have taken a written and oral exam.
The certification of the property valuer increases the guarantees for the credit system and helps increase the reliability of property valuations compared to market values, also for clients, courts, asset management companies, property funds, etc….