Calibration service

The Politecnico di Milano is ISO 17025 accredited by ACCREDIA DT (Calibration Department) and operates as LAT Calibration Centre no. 00140. The accredited Laboratories at the various sites of the University offer instrument calibration services covering a wide range of physical magnitudes: force, ionising radiation, radon, pressure, flow rate, speed, acceleration, temperature, thermal power. In addition, non-accredited calibration services are offered with metrological traceability to national and/or international primary standards.

The sector performs the calibration by comparison of acceleration transducers
The sector performs the calibration of the force measurement system of single-axis static testing machines, used for tensile and compression tests, and of machines used for compression tests on concrete
The Flow Sector offers the calibration service of liquid flow meters
The sector performs the calibration by comparison of dosimeters and rateometers for environmental/personal radiation protection and radio-diagnostics
The Radon Sector calibrates instrumentation to detect the concentration of radon in the air and the exposure of passive devices so as to measure the concentration of radon in the air integrated over time
The sector performs calibration by comparison of the main temperature meters. In particular, calibration is applied to thermocouples, resistance thermometers, liquid glass thermometers and thermometric chains with indicators and transmitters combined with thermocouples/resistance thermometers
The sector performs the calibration of mobile stations for the measurement of speed in the measuring range from 0 km/h to 100 km/h
The sector performs the calibration by comparison of acceleration transducers
The sector performs the calibration of the force measurement system of single-axis static testing machines, used for tensile and compression tests, and of machines used for compression tests on concrete
The Flow Sector offers the calibration service of liquid flow meters
The sector performs the calibration by comparison of dosimeters and rateometers for environmental/personal radiation protection and radio-diagnostics
The Radon Sector calibrates instrumentation to detect the concentration of radon in the air and the exposure of passive devices so as to measure the concentration of radon in the air integrated over time
The sector performs calibration by comparison of the main temperature meters. In particular, calibration is applied to thermocouples, resistance thermometers, liquid glass thermometers and thermometric chains with indicators and transmitters combined with thermocouples/resistance thermometers
The sector performs the calibration of mobile stations for the measurement of speed in the measuring range from 0 km/h to 100 km/h

ACCREDIA calibration certificates


accredia lat104 piccoloAccredia Calibration Certificates are official documents at national and international level according to mutual recognition agreements.

SQP calibration reports


sqp 100x49The SQP calibration reports are documents issued outside Accredia accreditation and in any case are referable to national and/or international primary samples with guarantee of compliance with the ISO 17025 requirements in accordance with the Politecnico Quality System.

Request a quotation

If the instrument has never been calibrated at our calibration centre, register your instrument when requesting a quotation.

If you have already registered and calibrated the instrument at our calibration centre, request a quotation using the short form.

The magnitudes of LAT Centre no. 00140

Certificati di taratura ACCREDIA


accredia lat104 piccoloI Certificati di Taratura Accredia sono documenti ufficiali in ambito Nazionale e Internazionale secondo accordi di mutuo riconoscimento.


Rapporti di taratura SQP


sqp 100x49I rapporti di taratura SQP sono documenti emessi al di fuori dell'accreditamento Accredia e comunque riferibili ai campioni primari Nazionali e/o Internazionali con garanzia del rispetto dei requisiti ISO 17025 secondo il Sistema Qualità Politecnico.


Terms and conditions

All the activities of the Politecnico di Milano - Quality Assurance Service are understood to be subject to the following conditions and to those that may be established in special contracts.

The following conditions apply to any matter not already expressly indicated in the Quality Plans or offers. In any case, the conditions most favourable to the Principal must be expressly indicated in the Quality Plan or in the contract.


Below are the locations, divided by size, where the calibration activities of LAT Centre no. 00140 are carried out:


Name of the magnitude


Site of work

Acceleration sector


Campus Bovisa - Via La Masa, 1 - 20156

Temperature Sector*


Campus Bovisa - Via Lambruschini, 4a - 20156

Ionising Radiation Sector


Campus Bovisa - Via La Masa, 34 - 20156

Radon Sector


Campus Bovisa - Via La Masa, 34 - 20156

Speed Sector


Campus Bovisa - Via Candiani, 72 - 20158

Flow Sector


Campus Leonardo - P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133

Force Sector*


Campus Leonardo - P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133

Pressure Sector


Polo Territoriale di Como - Via Anzani, 42 - 22100

 *The Sector also carries out calibrations at customer sites



  • by assignment we mean: order, contract, Quality Plan
  •  by Principal we mean: Body or Company that countersigns the assignment

Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Art. 13 (EU Regulation 2016/679) Data Protection Act
Legislative Decree no. 81/08 Italian Legislative Decree no. 81 of 9 April 2008, coordinated with Italian Legislative Decree no. 106 of 3 August 2009 , in accordance with Article 1 of Law no. 123 of 3 August 2007 on protection of health and safety at the workplace.
Ministerial Decree 363/98 Regulation with rules for identifying the particular needs of universities and university education institutions for the purposes of the rules of Legislative Decree no. 626 of 19 September 1994 and subsequent amendments and additions
Presidential Decree no. 131 of 26/4/1986 Consolidated text of the provisions concerning registration tax
Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 Implementation of Directive 2000/35/EC on combating late payment in commercial transactions
Art. 1 of Law 190/2014 Provisions on “split payments”
R.D. 2959/AG of 20/12       
General Regulations (Modified Art. 17 - paragraph 3 with Rector's Decree no. 394/SAGNI of 27 January 2015) General Regulations valid during the contractual activity

Requests for offers must be sent using the appropriate online form or by sending an email to
In case of feasibility, the Calibration Office draws up and sends the offer indicating all the conditions of the calibration service, as well as the methods for sending instruments and contact references.

The customer must confirm the order by returning the offer itself (by email to the address indicated above), stamped and signed for acceptance of the conditions and for declaration of the risks deriving from the instruments to be handled.


The obligations laid down by Art. 26 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and the availability of personal protection equipment (PPE), in relation to the specific risks faced in the hosting structure, are attributed to the senior manager of the hosting structure (Art. 2 of Ministerial Decree 363/98); all the other obligations remain with the manager of the structure of origin.

The Principal and persons invited by him under his own responsibility, as observers, can be present while the required calibration is being carried out. The calibrations are carried out by appointment and the sample is returned to the owner at the end of the calibration.
The Principal is responsible for obtaining appropriate insurance coverage against damage and injury of all parties present.

LAT centre no. 00140 ensures that temporary storage of the instruments received and all the associated documentation are managed in such a way as to ensure confidentiality.


Each party will provide for the legal insurance coverage of its staff at the sites concerned. The staff of both contracting parties are required to comply with the disciplinary and safety regulations in force at the sites, in mutual respect of the regulations for the safety of workers referred to in Legislative Decree no. 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions, observing in particular the obligations referred to in Article 20 of the aforementioned Decree, as well as the provisions of the head of the prevention and protection service. The staff of both contractors, including any external consultants appointed, will be required, before accessing the sites concerned, to acquire information regarding safety, prevention, protection and health measures, and issue a specific declaration for this purpose.

The devices must be sent and collected at the customer's expense, with the manuals in Italian, and in suitable packaging. If, at the time of receipt, the packaging is not intact or is judged "unsuitable" by the laboratory manager, the same will immediately notify the customer by telephone or email and record the incident (for example with photographs).

The laboratory manager will also prepare new suitable packaging to return the devices.

In any case, if the instrument being calibrated is found not to be working even without evident signs of damage, the laboratory manager will notify the customer to assess the responsibilities.

In this regard, we inform you that all our staff are required to comply with the "Code of conduct for employees of public administrations" (pursuant to article 54 of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 30 March 2001, published in Official Journal, General Series, no. 129 of 04-06-2013) which, in the event of the damage being clearly and objectively found to be our responsibility, obliges us to answer for the damage.

LAT centre no. 00140 also ensures that temporary storage of the instruments received and all the associated documentation are managed in such a way as to ensure confidentiality, in particular with regard to the possible presence of customers in the laboratories themselves.


The results of the calibrations are communicated exclusively by means of an official certificate (Accredia calibrations) or official report (non-Accredia calibrations) stating the experimental results observed, without any interpretation or comment. The certificates/reports are issued in electronic format and digitally signed. They are then sent by regular or certified e-mail.

LAT centre no. 00140 can issue opinions and interpretations exclusively on the basis of the specific accreditations obtained and if requested by the customer.

If prescribed by law or if the customer makes an explicit request to LAT Centre no. 00140, a specific declaration of conformity will be issued, specifying in the offer which decision rule will be applied.



The Politecnico employs qualified staff and sometimes also resorts to external consultants.

All staff of the Politecnico di Milano, involved in any capacity in carrying out the calibration activities of LAT centre no. 00140 and associated activities, as well as activities related to contracts and assignments, are required to comply with the "code of ethics" of the Politecnico di Milano, issued by Rector's decree - Index no. 3183 Prot. no. 67856 of 19/04/19 (, which arbitrarily requires compliance with the values and rules indicated as well as the privacy and confidentiality of all information processed (pursuant to the consolidated text of Presidential Decree no. 3 of 10.01.1957 "Consolidated law of provisions concerning the statute of civil servants of the State" and subsequent amendments).

All the rates indicated are net of VAT and of any stamps to be affixed to the certificates, the amounts of which are established in accordance with applicable laws. The stamps will be applied at the specific request of the customer. Prices are indicative and may vary according to the complexity of the service provided. Rates may be subject to change without the SQuA being committed to giving prior notice. The cost of calibrations not provided for in the pricing scheme will be estimated based on the type of request received. For any variation in rate compared to those reported in this document (any discounts included and not foreseen), the Head of the Sector must give reasoned communication to the Head of LAT centre no. 00140 for authorisation.

Current calibration pricing scheme

Calibration certificates

Issuing and sending of original certificate

€ 18

True copies of previous years

€ 30

Declarations of conformity

€ 20

Calibrations for internal structures of the Politecnico di Milano

Fixed discount applied (excluding the cost of issuing and sending the certificate)

- 30%

Ancillary expenses

Car expenses (per Km)

€ 0,90

Train and/or air travel expenses

Ticket cost increased by 15%

Overnight stay

To be determined

Urgent calibrations

Surcharge on the total amount

+ 10%


Normally, the calibrations must be paid for on receipt of the invoice. Invoices will be issued following the calibration. Calibration certificates/reports will be sent once payment of the invoice has been received. Payment can be made following the methods indicated in the offer. Any payment requirements other than those given in the offer will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the Politecnico di Milano.

The payment terms for other types of assignments will be established case by case basis with the Customers and indicated in specific Quality Plans and/or Contracts. In case of late payments, default interest will be applied pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2002.

All direct and indirect taxes arising from the contracts shall be borne by the Principal. The contract is only subject to registration if used in accordance with Art. 1, letter b) of the Tariff - Part Two, annexed to Italian Presidential Decree no. 131 of 26/4/1986, as amended.


Banca Popolare di Sondrio (BPS) Ag.21 di Milano - Via Bonardi, 4 Milano

IBAN number: IT34 T056 9601 6200 0000 1600 X69

SWIFT CODE - BIC (for payments from outside Italy): POSOIT22

To speed up the procedure for sending the calibration certificate/report, please specify "Quality Assurance Service" and the invoice number in the reason for payment and email the transfer receipt to

IBAN OF DEDICATED ACCOUNT IT 73 W 01000 03245 139300038075 BANCA D'ITALIA.







Any dispute that may arise between the parties in relation to the interpretation, execution and/or validity of the contracts shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Milan.

In the event of publication - in the technical-scientific field - of results of the assignment not subject to confidentiality/secrecy pursuant to the Patent Regulations of the Politecnico, the Principal undertakes to expressly mention the Politecnico.

The Politecnico may not be cited in fields other than the technical-scientific field, and it may never be cited for advertising purposes.

The Principal is required to observe the secrecy of people not authorised by the Politecnico, with regard to facts, information, knowledge, documents or objects which may have come to their attention or that had been communicated to them by the Politecnico by virtue of the activities relating to the assignment. The Politecnico is similarly required to observe the secrecy of people not authorised by the Principal, with regard to facts, information, knowledge, documents or objects which may have come to their attention or that had been communicated to them by the Principal by virtue of the activities relating to the assignment.

This confidentiality will cease in the event of such facts, information, documents or objects being or becoming public knowledge and in any case will cease after five years from expiry of the assignment.

The Parties shall not be liable for damages arising from any breach of the provisions of this article if they can prove that such infringement occurred despite having observed normal standards of care and diligence in the specific circumstances of the case.

The Parties hereby agree that any actions for compensation for damages resulting from transgression of the provisions of this article, may not be compensation in an amount that exceeds the amount provided for the assignment.

The assignment will be considered tacitly resolved upon its natural expiration, unless one of the parties requests its extension with a written and motivated request, which must be sent to the other party by registered letter with return receipt at least one month before the expiration date, and the other party accepts the extension proposal in writing within fifteen days of the date of receiving the same.

The assignment will also be considered terminated if, within the time limits defined by the contract, the Principal does not make available the resources necessary to carry out the activities or does not undertake to fulfil its obligations. In such cases, the SQuA sends a notice in writing and, after the deadline has elapsed (no less than fifteen days), the assignment will be considered definitively terminated.

Both parties have the right to unilaterally withdraw from the contract with a notice of at least one month by registered letter with return receipt.

The Parties mutually declare that they are informed (and, insofar as is necessary, expressly consent) that the “personal data” provided, even verbally, for pre-contractual activities or in any case collected as a result of and during the execution of this contract, will be processed exclusively for the purposes of the contract, through consultation, processing, interconnection, comparison with other data and/or any further manual and/or automated processing, or for statistical purposes, exclusively in anonymous form, by means of communication to public entities, when requested for the pursuit of their institutional purposes, or to private entities, when the purpose of the request is compatible with the institutional purposes of the University. Moreover, the Parties are aware that failure to provide said data may result in the failed or partial execution of the contract.

The Parties as identified and named above, and with legal address for service as indicated above, shall act as Data Controllers for the purposes of this article.

Lastly, the Parties declare that they have been informed of the rights enshrined in Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Art. 13 of the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679).


Any disputes regarding the contractual relationship can be made either by using the form on the platform or by submitting them in writing to The dispute must contain:

  1. Personal data (name, surname of the complainant and of the Company), with telephone number and email address;
  2. Identification of the activity to which the dispute relates - reference to the offer issued;
  3. Brief and exhaustive description of the dispute.

The Politecnico can freely use the title of the assignment, in generalised form, in order to update the database of research carried out by the University, which may be published with reference to the Principal, on the website of the Politecnico itself. The Politecnico can also add the name of the Principal, without reference to the activity carried out, to a list of principals of the University, which may be published on the University website.

Condizioni di contratto

All the activities of the Politecnico di Milano - Quality Assurance Service are understood to be subject to the following conditions and to those that may be established in special contracts.

The following conditions apply to any matter not already expressly indicated in the Quality Plans or offers. In any case, the conditions most favourable to the Principal must be expressly indicated in the Quality Plan or in the contract.

Locations of the laboratories of lat centre no.104
Definitions and legal references
Offers and orders
Contracts stipulated with National Bodies
Access to the calibration sectors
Sending and collecting the instrument to be calibrated
Issue and sending of the certificate/calibration report
Opinion, interpretation and declarations of conformity
Rates applied
Terms of payment
Bank details
Dedicated account for public bodies
Termination and extension/whithdrawal
Privacy policy
Any disputes
Pubblication on the web

Servizio Qualità di Ateneo

Campus Leonardo
Ed. 1 - Rettorato
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 - Milano
Tel +39. 02.2399.9253 - 9239
Fax +39 02. 23999248