Training courses
The Politecnico di Milano is ISO 9001 certified by the third party organisation Italcert for non-institutional training activities and special projects for university teaching, primarily lifelong learning courses and post-graduate masters.

Teaching skills
The Politecnico di Milano offers a wide range of training opportunities, coordinated by the various Schools. The training is based on teaching and research entrusted to the expertise of Professors and Researchers of the Departments.
Theory and practice, an inseparable combination
The Department of Energy gives its students the opportunity to acquire all the scientific skills needed to understand and scrutinise the energy issues which nowadays have a strong relevance in all industrial sectors. We are prepared for the real challenges of the working world both from a theoretical point of view and with experimental and research activities.
We contribute to the training and professional development of highly qualified graduates. We want to make them aware of their leading role in the development and diffusion of the Energy Culture, whether they operate in the academic, research or Enterprise worlds.
A wide choice of courses
Our Professors teach basic disciplines in numerous Bachelor and Master of Science courses for the different Schools of Engineering and Architecture.
The Department of Energy also offers PhDs, Masters and Lifelong learning courses for companies.
Information request
Alte opportunità di occupazione
Oltre il 90% degli studenti laureati in Ingegneria al Politecnico di Milano trova lavoro entro un anno dalla Laurea.
L’offerta didattica del Dipartimento di Energia si fonde con l’attività di ricerca a contatto con l’Impresa: si crea così un canale preferenziale per avvicinare studenti, laureati e dottorandi al mondo del lavoro.
Continuing education
In order to meet the requirements of competitiveness within national and international scenarios, the Department of Energy organises Lifelong Learning Courses.
These courses lead to the acquisition, development and updating of knowledge and to technological, managerial, operational and regulatory expertise.
In response to the specific needs of Companies, Bodies and Institutions, the Department can structure tailored paths, based on a careful analysis of the training needs of the company, in relation to the market environment in which it operates.
The following courses are currently operational:
Corso per Esperto in Interventi di Risanamento Radon
The Specializing Masters (1st and 2nd level) offered by the Department of Energy allow to boost one’s professional and personal development