Consulting service

- Competence ande experience
- Customer orientation
- Customezation of the service
- Result orientation
- Competitive cost
Support for the implementation of Quality Management Systems in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025. The Politecnico di Milano, through the Quality Assurance Service, offers qualified support and consultancy services relating to organisational quality management issues, with reference to the development of management systems compliant with the following standards:

The services may also concern consultancy related to calibration/test laboratories on issues such as the management of instruments and the estimation of measurement uncertainty.
The Quality Assurance Service also offers Audit services based on experience in the design, implementation and verification of the Management Systems of the departments of the Politecnico di Milano and of outside customers. The types of Audits, always carried out in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 19011 standard, are:
First-party audits, aimed at assessing the state of application of the related Management Systems, identifying all the actions to be taken to achieve the certification or accreditation of the organisations themselves, and meeting the requirement of the relevant legislation to periodically carry out an internal audit with qualified personnel;
Second-party external audits, on the suppliers of its customers, aimed at assessing compliance with specific requirements defined on a case by case basis;
On request, the Quality Assurance Service makes an offer outlining the service to be provided.
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