Flow sector

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| Flow


Sector Manager: Umberto Sanfilippo

Leonardo da Vinci Campus

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32

20133 - Milan

Telefono: 02.2399.9253/9239

Mail: settore-portate@polimi.it

The Flow Sector offers the calibration of liquid flow meters.

The functional scheme of the experimental installation, located at the “Gaudenzio Fantoli” Hydraulics Laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano, which uses aqueduct water as a fluid, is based on the determination of the volume of liquid collected in a tank during a defined time interval. In fact, the relationship between this volume and time interval provides the reference flow rate, against which the flow rate measured by the flow meter being calibrated is compared.

The field of application accredited by ACCREDIA concerns all flow meters in the range from 2.2 l/s to 115 l/s, with loads not exceeding 1.4 bar for those under pressure. The actual value of the maximum flow rate and maximum load are evaluated, on a case by case basis, according to the type of device to be calibrated and its installation methods in the hydraulic circuit upstream of the collection tank.

The accreditation Calibration Measurement Capability (CMC) varies, as reported in the accreditation table, from 0.15% to 0.40% depending on the case.

Instrument Measurand Additional parameters Measuring range
Uncertainty Method/Procedure
Flow meters Volume flow Drinking water from the aqueduct ≥ 2,2 dm3 s-1 < 3 dm3 s-1 0,40%

Internal method. Calibration by indirect comparison with sample flow measured as the ratio between liquid volume and time interval.

≥ 3 dm3 s-1 ≤ 80 dm3 s-1 0,35%
Certificate delivery time: 20 working days from the execution of the measurements
1) The calibration point is a nominal flow rate
2) With a maximum internal diameter of 200 mm
3) Equipped with a reading tool

Servizio Qualità di Ateneo

Campus Leonardo
Ed. 1 - Rettorato
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 - Milano
Tel +39. 02.2399.9253 - 9239
Fax +39 02. 23999248
@ taratura@polimi.it