Pressure sector

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If the instrument has never been calibrated at our calibration centre, register your instrument when requesting a quotation.

If you have already registered and calibrated the instrument at our calibration centre, request a quotation using the short form.

| Pressure


Accredited metrological sector

Sector Manager: Marco Leone

Como Campus

Via Anzani, 22

22100 - Como

Telefono: 02.2399.7302


The sector performs the calibration by comparing pressure gauges in the measuring range from 1.3x105 Pa to 1x10-4 Pa. The types of calibratable meters are Pirani, Penning, Thermocouple, Bayard - Alpert, Convection, Bourdon, capacitive membrane, piezo and resistive meters.

Instrument Measurand Additional parameters Measuring range Uncertainty1 Method/Procedure
Pressure transducers Pressure Absolute condition from 1 kPa to 5 KPa 1•10-2 • p Internal method. Calibration by direct comparison for sample pressure
from 5kPa to 10 KPa 4•10-3 • p
from 10 kPa to 130 KPa 2•10-3 • p
 Vacuum gauges  Pressure Gaseous medium from 10-4 Pa to 10-2 Pa  4•10-2 • p Internal method. Calibration by direct comparison for sample pressure
from 10-2 Pa to 0,1 Pa  2•10-2 • p
from 0,1 Pa to 1 Pa  3•10-2 • p
from 1 Pa to 10 Pa  1•10-2 • p
from 10 Pa to 1 KPa  1•10-2 • p
Certificate delivery time: 20 working days from the execution of the measurements

1) p indicates the extended pressure in Pascal

2) If the instrument to be calibrated requires a particular set-up for carrying out the measurements, or the use of fittings compatible with the flanging standard, the cost of calibration will be higher.

Servizio Qualità di Ateneo

Campus Leonardo
Ed. 1 - Rettorato
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 - Milano
Tel +39. 02.2399.9253 - 9239
Fax +39 02. 23999248





Chiusura Settore Pressione

Comunichiamo a tutti i clienti che dal 01 marzo 2025 il Settore Pressione non effettuerà più il servizio di taratura strumenti

Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare la segreteria del Centro LAT all'indirizzo